Thursday, December 31, 2009

Welcome 2010....Thankyou 2009

2010 hampir menjelang tiba...
Pengalaman serta perjalanan hidup dlm 2009 bnyk aku alami..
Semua ada lah..
Dlm 2009,
Aku menghadapi pelbagai tekanan idup...
Streeesssss siot!
Ohhhh Weeellllllll..
Nama pon kehidupankn...
Upsss and downnnnn its a must have...
Thank you and Goooodddddbbbyyee 2009!
Hellooooooooooooooooooooo 2010!=)

Azam untuk 2010:-
*Masuk IPTA atau Kolej
*Nk banyak kan happy dr sedih
*Nk kumpul duit untuk kesenangan masa depan..:)
*Nk mnceburi bidang yang aku minat

Aku x dpt nk pikir sgt azam nie..
Tp aku rasa nie aje kot..
Happy New Year Everybody!
Have a wonderful year...:)


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

These Tears...

These tears of mine, could sing you a song,
They'd tell you the reason why they still fall.
All clear and see through like water on a leaf,
The strength you find, then you've lost it all.

These tears of mine, could build a bridge,
They fall so heavy, like metal to a stone.
Not the colour of a rainbow, or glass even,
They all sit in my heart, what they call home.

These tears of mine, could make an ocean,
They fall so quickly onto both my cheeks.
And wash away the happiness, one by one,
Falling, every single day, not every few weeks.

These tears of mine, could build an invisible person,
They are curvatious and there's nothing you can see.
I carry them to my pillow, they fall down at my knife,
Throughout the years, these tears have only made me.

Ketika suka..
Mahupun duka..
Air mata akan mengalir jua...
Tapi pada aku...
Duka lagi banyak aku lalui...
Perit sgt rasanye..
Sbb slalu nye aku tanggung sorang..
Aku x mau menyusahkan sape2...
Walaupon berat dan ssh..
Nk wat mcm mana kan...
Kdg2 mslhnye remeh aje..
Tu yg mls nk citer..
Org disekeliling aku slalu tanye..
"Ko okay ke??"
"Ko ada mslh ke??"
Aku akan jwb...
"Aku okay aje(smbil melemparkan senyuman), jgn risau okay"
Tp dlm bnyk tul pertanyaan serta persoalan yang terpendam...
Serabut kepala jadinya!
Aku takut kalo aku bg tau org...
Takut org ckp "Eleh", "Tu je ke?", "Hal kecik pon nk dibesarkan?"..
Tu yg aku x mau dgr tu..
Sometimes aku rasa..
Biarlah aku dgn Allah SWT je yang tau...
Aku sentiasa berdoa kepada-Nya agar diri aku nie dikuatkan menghadapi dugaan..
Nmpk aje aku nie Happy, Ceria, Gelak2....
Tp kdg2 sebaliknya...
Aku at the same time harapkn sokongan drpd org trsyg aku...
Walaupon aku x citer..
But i hope u all understand my situation okay..
Aku sentiasa bersyukur dgn apa yang telah korang lakukan pada aku..
Aku sayaaaannnnggg korang semua!


Monday, December 28, 2009

World That We Live In..

Adakah perjalanan kehidupan kita harus menjadi gelap serta sunyi seperti gambaran yg tetera??
Kita mestilah jadikan perjalanan itu cerah dan setiasa dikelilingi oleh pokok2 yang berbunga dan berbuah..
Walaupun beberapa musim harus dilalui seperti musim luruh yang akan mengugurkn dedaun dipohon trsebut..
Namun kita akan tetap berusaha untuk mnjaganya sepanjang musim tersebut sehingga ia berbunga dan bebuah seperti yang kita ingin melihatnya..

Sama dengan kehidupan kita ini...
Jikalau kita x berusaha..
Kemungkinan tidak ada masa hadapan..
Sia2 aje kehidupan kalo begitu..
Juga dengan perasaan2 yang hitam yang trdapat dlm diri manusia..
Hasrat dengki..
Ambik Kesempatan..
Tidak berperikemanusiaan..
Dan Lain-lain...
Mereka yang anda kutuk,ambik kesempatan atau hina itu..
Adalah manusia biasa seperti anda juga...
Kita semua tidak sempurna seperti yang anda sangkakan..
Hanya yang Maha Esa saje yang sempurna..
Buang lah perasaan2 yang semua tu jauh2...
Xbaik simpan2.....

Sapa yang sedih atau kesian dengan apa yang tetera dia akhbar, tv mahupun internet?
Kanak-kanak juga yang dijadikan mangsa??
Ya Allah...
Aku pon rasa nk nangis aje biler tgk artikel2 yg trlibat tu..
Setengah manusia bersifat tidak berperikemanusiaan..
Rasa nk bunuh2 aje depe tu..
Tp xpelah..
Biarlah Allah membalas kpd perlakuan mereka itu..
Kita skrg cuma blh brdoa akn kesejahteraan mereka didunia dan diakhirat..:)

Kpd kwn2 ku...
Jagalah diri korang baik2 yek..
Berusaha untuk mencapai cita2 masing-masing okay..:D
Tolonglh yang tidak berkemampuan...
Jadikan kehidupan kita sentiasa ceria2..
Sentiasa ingat Allah SWT..
Hargailah org2 yang berada disekeliling anda yang syg akan anda..
Family, Friends......
I Loovvvveeeeeeeeeee Yyyyoooouuuuu Aaaalllll!


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

T'ganu And KL Trip..

Pada 18 Disember 2009,
Aku gan family belah my mom nk pi T'ganu..
Cuti2 M'sia kt sna..
Pg tu aku kena bangkit awl..
Mmg awl gile arh..
Kul 4 aku bgn dh(sbb xleh tido)
Brtolak dr umah dlm kul 6.30 pg mcm tu..
Family aku lalu kot laluan Gua Musang, Cameron Highland tu..
Ya allah..
Biler naik je jln bukit2 tu..
Aku dh jd pening2..
Nk muntah pon ada..
Nasb baik my mom bg ubat..
Lega lh skit..

Kiteorg smpai t'ganu around pukul 1.30 kot..
Blkg2 aku semua sakit2..
Mana x sakit..
Brjam2 dok dlm kete gan bnyk brg..
Sedare yg dr KL dh smpai awl dh..
Kiteorg semua tido kt Anis Chalet(Ejaan x tau lh tul ke x)
Best wooooo..
Chalet tu trltk kt dpn laut..
Sdp tul dpt rasa angin sang bayu laut..
Yelah kt ipoh nie slalu pns..
Jrg rasa angin kt ipoh..
Mlm first day tu kiteorg wat BBQ..
Mmg best lh...
Sehingga mnjilat jari siot.........

Second Day..
Kiteorg pi Masjid Kristal gan Pasar Payang..
Xsempat nk pi Tmn Tamadun Islam disbb kn cuaca yg x tentu..
Kiteorg xsempat gak nk mkn celuk tepung kt sna..
Nk turun aje..
Hujan lbt..
Mlm tu kiteorg rehat2...
Sbb esok mak sedare nk blk ipoh..
And kiteorg plak pi KL..

Third Day..
Brtolak kuar dr chalet tu dlm kul 10.30 pg kot..
Singgah Noor Arfa Batik sat..
Then trus pi KL..
Tp kiteorg pi Putrajaya dulu..
Coz nk antar paksu pi kursus kt sna...
Dlm kul 1 pg lebih kot..
Br smpai umah bpk sedare kt Cheras..
Dgn letih nye..
Apa lg..
Tido ahhh..

Sblm blk ke ipoh..
Kiteorg singgah Mydin Subang Jaya..
Bli brg keprluan adk2 yg nk sklh 2 minggu lg..
Aku nk pi Mydin sbb nk pi mkn Sizzling Mee favourite aku..
Sdp giler larh!
Mkn smpai pinggan licin tu!
Lps pi Mydin,
Kiteorg pi Batang Kali sat..
Hantar maksu kt umah makuda kt sna...
Lps magrib mcm tu br blk ke ipoh blk.
Dlm kul 12 mcm tu..
Br smpai umah....
Penat tp sronok giler...


Monday, December 14, 2009

Life After SPM

Bosan giler seyh lps SPM..
Aku mcm x tau nk wat apa dh..
Nk kuar..
Mcm2 masalah plak timbul..
Especially mslh dr segi kewangan..
Xde sape nk support aku..
Tu yg pyh..
Rutin harian aku setiap ari sama aje..
Perkara yg sama aje yg dilakukan..
Mcm tu lh kalo org dok umah..
Nk keje pon ssh..
X tau nk keje kt mana..
Nk kena cr keje yang paaaaaaaling sesuai..
Memilih tul aku nie...Ahhak..xp

Mcm biasa bgn pagi dlm kul 9 mcm tu..
(Bgn tuk solat subuh lps tu tido blk)
Mandi, breakfast then tgk tv..
Kalo ada citer best lyn lh..
Kalo xde..
Abis browsing satu astro tu...
Carilh channel yg best smpai jmpe...:)

Tengah hari plak..
Panas kn lauk that my mom made earlier..
Bg family mkn..
Then kemas lah umah skit..
Sidai kain ke...
(Atas permintaan ibu trsyg..:D)
Tgk tv blk..
Xpon pakai comp...
Dgr lagu, on9 facebook..
Yahoo Messenger(Ym) ske dibiar kn on9 mcm tu aje..
Xtau nk wat apa..lantaklah benda tu on9...
Ptg hari isnin smpai rabu tgk tv..
Sbb citer kt KBS sgt lah best..
Xleh miss seyh..

Pada waktu mlm plak...
Aku akn pakai komp smpai lh dua tiga pagi
(Bergantung pada mood)..
Kalo bosan..
Aku akn tido awl..
Kalo tgh lyn kerenah Oppa aku sorang nie..
Smpai x nk tido pon xpe...
Dialah peneman aku biler tgh kebosanan pd waktu mlm/pagi...
Terimakasih lah yek..:D

Setiap ari tgk tv, gne komp...
Aku risau lama jd mcm ulat nie huh...
Cian aku tengoknye..



Sunday, December 13, 2009

SPM is Over!

Its been a a while seen my last post..
Been busy with Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia or formaly known as SPM...
Its already over!
Oh Yeah!
What a relief..:)

Such many memories that i had been through since i was in standard 1 untill form 5..
Happiness, Sadness, Strees, Friendship, and etc..
From SK Seri Ampang to SK Rapat Setia..
And then From SMK Rapat Setia to SMK Gunung Rapat..
I gained many wonderful and bad experience..
That is how life goes..
So many ups and downs....
But that is all school life..
Next year gonna move one step ahead..
University and College life..:)
Goooooooooooood Byeeeee School life..:D
Gonna miss all my friends..:(

I dont what to do after SPM..
But i think im gonna attend English Class..
And also gonna take my Driving License..
Thats very exciting..
Part time job??
I have to think about it first...
Many things i have to think...
For example..
Where will i be working part time??
Hows the boss or the manager attitude??
When is my part time working hour??
But i wanna collect some allowance for myself..
The only solution for this problem is just part time work..
So much thinking that have to be done...


Sunday, November 1, 2009

My Current Drugs

Their my current drugs beside books right now..
Just can't help myself when i see them perform..
They are just awesome..
My nose are like gonna bleed my i see them..
How addicted i am...
They are just everywhere in my every day life..
In my room, my books, my tv..
My heroin is Mir and Lee Joon..
Love is all over the place..;D

MBLAQ(Music Boys Live In Absolute Quality) Bio:-

Seung Ho (승호)

* Full Name: Yang Seung Ho(양승호)
* Date of Birth: October 16, 1987 (1987-10-16)
* Position: Leader, Vocalist, Dancer

G.O (지오)

* Real Name: Jung Byung Hee (정병희)
* Date of Birth: November 6, 1987 (1987-11-06)
* Position: Main Vocalist, Dancer
* A former member of a korean group, TYKEYS

Joon (준)

* Real Name: Lee Chang Sun (이창선)
* Date of Birth: February 7, 1988 (1988-02-07)
* Position: Vocalist, Dancer

Mir (미르)

* Real Name: Bang Chul Yong (방철용)
* Date of Birth: March 10, 1991 (1991-03-10)
* Position: Main Rapper, Dancer

Chun Doong (천둥)

* Real Name: Park Sang Hyun (박상현)
* Nickname: Thunder
* Date of Birth: October 7, 1990 (1990-10-07)
* Position: Rapper, Dancer, Vocalist


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Khidmat Masyarakat Trip

On the 10th of October 2009..
Me, My Classmates, also 5K1 and 5K3 students are headed to Taiping..
We are headed to Zoo Taiping to do our Community Services..
I arrived at school around 7.30 a.m..
I had breakfast there(Nasi Lemak)..
About 8.30 a.m...
I aboard the bus with my friends..
Also, inside the bus..
We celebrated Yana's Birthday(Happy Birthday Yana!)...
The bus arrived at the Zoo Taiping at 10.00 a.m..
As we rached our destination,
My Sivik teacher bought us the tickets to the Zoo..
When were inside the Zoo area..
The Zoo Manager on that day..
Asked us to be in groups of 10 people..
So, i was in group with Diyanah, Wan Zatul, Azureen, Aza, Nadia, Azie, Amanda, Dayah, and Fatin Maisarah..
We have to picked up the leaves there(infront of the 'Burung Enggang' cage)..

After we finished our duties..
We wonder around the zoo...
Take pictures here and there...
It was exciting really..
Strolled around the zoo with my friends..:)

Around 2.00 p.m..
We leave the Zoo and when to the Taiping Mosque to do our prayers and also change clothes..
About 3.00 p.m, we leave the Taiping Mosque and we to our last stop before heading back to Ipoh..
We went to Museum Matang..
There, we can find just about anything that relates to Perak History..

As the clock ticks at 4.00 p.m..
We leave the Museum and when back to Ipoh..
Althought is not that exciting..
Just Okay..
But the experience that i've gained..
That's priceless..


Thursday, October 8, 2009

Jang Nara Is Back

jang nara Pictures, Images and Photos

The lovable and gorgeous Jang Nara is back..
After 6 years break..
She's now making a comeback..
She will played a 24-year-old woman with Savant Syndrome who, despite her mental retardation, has a special talent.
The movie was called Heaven And Sea
Heaven And Sea is about the friendship among Ha-neul (played by Jang), who has lost her parents, Bada (played by Juny), who is at odds with her stepmother, and Jin-gu
(played by Yoo A-in), who works as a pizza delivery guy. It was directed by Oh Dal-kyun, whose previous work "Maeumi" was about young brothers and sisters and their dog.
Jang Nara who is famous in the drama "Wedding" and "My Love Patzzi",
said, she is scared of taking a new movie role because her appearance in the 2003 movie "Oh Happy Day" was a fiasco.

"I did my best to act and talk like a six-year-old. It was easy for me to focus on my character thanks to the help of my coworkers," -Jang Nara


Thursday, October 1, 2009

Wow Factor

shocked face Pictures, Images and Photos

I'm in shocked..
I just saw a kid play ping pong like a pro..
And i'm like speechless..
She was awesome!
She appear in a korean tv show called Star King...
Her name is Shin Yubin..
She's like 5 or 6 years old kid..
She play against her own coach in a short match..
A former Korea Ping Pong player..
And guess what?
Yubin beats her coach!
I'm like OMG..
Automaticlly now,
She just became 'My Idol' in ping pong(althought im not good at it)..
I was so impressed with her..
I hope she can be successful untill she became the champ

This is the cut from the show:-


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Happy Eid!

First Day:-
Well, as usual..
Wake up at 6.30 a.m..
Take a bath and then do last minute 'raya' cleaning..
After parents went for 'Sembahyang Raya'..
Going back to Jeram...
Visited my Greatgrandmother and my other relatives(mother's side of the family)
In the evening...
Went to Taiping...
Visit My 'Tok Su Milah', 'Tok Uda' and 'Tok Chaq's family
At 9.30 p.m..
Going back to Ipoh..

Second Day:-
Relatives rushing in and out of the house..
From the afternoon untill the night..
10.30 p.m..
Went to McDonald to fetch some midnight treats with my fellow cousins..

Third Day:-
Same activity as in day two..
Much more relatives came to visited..
Tired and exhausted..
Sleep early..

Fourth Day:-
Less relatives came to visit...
Watch Ice Age 3:Dawn of the Dinosaur in the evening..
Having a Barbeque night at home..

Fifth Day:-
Went to Nabila's open house in the morning..
And then went to Lost World of Tambun..
Visit the Petting Zoo that was just been opened a week ago..


Monday, September 14, 2009

Hottests Unite

1 Week has gone by...
The fans of 2PM Leader,Park JaeBeom...
Was still sad about his decision to leave the group..
And gone back to The U.S...

Fans from Korea held a Silent Protest for him..
About 700 fans gather infront of JYP Entertaintment Building in Seoul..
The fans even decide to boycott JYP merchandise..
Including returning signiture albums!

Not just in Korea..
In Manhattan,USA also held this Silent Protest..
Hottests gather at JYP's building...
This shows that hottests around the world shows their love for Park JaeBeom..
Im among the Hottests from Malaysia are happy for the Hottests from other countries..
I will support them...
Hottests and 2PM, Aja-Aja!


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Leader of 2PM, Park JaeBeom Quits?

Some sources tells that 2PM Park JaeBeom has left the group..
After the myspace controversy...
He decide to leave the group and gone back to the States..

He posted:

"Hello, I'm 2PM's Jaebeom.

I'm sorry for giving you my last greeting through this letter.
I think it will be hard for me to see you all on stage because of my sorry heart.

I'm really sorry to everyone, and I'm even more sorry to the fans who have shown
me love.
From today, I will leave 2PM.

2PM boys, I'm really sorry to the boys and I'm sorry I couldn't be strong as a
leader and a hyung and have to leave like this.
However, I hope you will be more cool and charming.

Again, I'm sorry.


[Sources:2ONEDAY and AllKpop]

He was very sorry about that incident that had happen...
But the netizens just kept pushing him back..
When an interviewer asked JaeBeom about his planning to come to Korea..
He try to avoid that question..

This video was taken when he was about to depart to Seattle..

This video was taken when he arrives at Seattle..

All of 2PM Fans,Hotters wil be very very dissapointed about this..
No matter what the circumstances is..
We will always support Jaebeom and 2PM..
Demolished all the damn netizens...
We as humans always makes mistakes..
Nobody is perfect accept God..
JaeBeom is a human and that was his mistake..
Those netizens should just forgive him...
Better than making this issue bigger and insulted him..

To Jaebeom...
We will always support u..
I hope u take care of yourself..
And we also hope that u will come back to Korea..
Saranghae JaeBeom and 2PM!



Music Download Link

Love Love Love<3
