Wednesday, December 30, 2009

These Tears...

These tears of mine, could sing you a song,
They'd tell you the reason why they still fall.
All clear and see through like water on a leaf,
The strength you find, then you've lost it all.

These tears of mine, could build a bridge,
They fall so heavy, like metal to a stone.
Not the colour of a rainbow, or glass even,
They all sit in my heart, what they call home.

These tears of mine, could make an ocean,
They fall so quickly onto both my cheeks.
And wash away the happiness, one by one,
Falling, every single day, not every few weeks.

These tears of mine, could build an invisible person,
They are curvatious and there's nothing you can see.
I carry them to my pillow, they fall down at my knife,
Throughout the years, these tears have only made me.

Ketika suka..
Mahupun duka..
Air mata akan mengalir jua...
Tapi pada aku...
Duka lagi banyak aku lalui...
Perit sgt rasanye..
Sbb slalu nye aku tanggung sorang..
Aku x mau menyusahkan sape2...
Walaupon berat dan ssh..
Nk wat mcm mana kan...
Kdg2 mslhnye remeh aje..
Tu yg mls nk citer..
Org disekeliling aku slalu tanye..
"Ko okay ke??"
"Ko ada mslh ke??"
Aku akan jwb...
"Aku okay aje(smbil melemparkan senyuman), jgn risau okay"
Tp dlm bnyk tul pertanyaan serta persoalan yang terpendam...
Serabut kepala jadinya!
Aku takut kalo aku bg tau org...
Takut org ckp "Eleh", "Tu je ke?", "Hal kecik pon nk dibesarkan?"..
Tu yg aku x mau dgr tu..
Sometimes aku rasa..
Biarlah aku dgn Allah SWT je yang tau...
Aku sentiasa berdoa kepada-Nya agar diri aku nie dikuatkan menghadapi dugaan..
Nmpk aje aku nie Happy, Ceria, Gelak2....
Tp kdg2 sebaliknya...
Aku at the same time harapkn sokongan drpd org trsyg aku...
Walaupon aku x citer..
But i hope u all understand my situation okay..
Aku sentiasa bersyukur dgn apa yang telah korang lakukan pada aku..
Aku sayaaaannnnggg korang semua!



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Love Love Love<3
